makeup meets tech

Beauty Blog Austin

Sara Domi: Beauty Blog Austin, TX

The great thing about beauty blogs is that anyone can do it. Granted not everyone will have the ability to create and manage a blog with regular content, but those with enough passion and drive for the things they love – in this case beauty products and the world of fashion – can certainly make a go of things, just like Sara Domi!

What Makes a Good Beauty Blog?

With social media taking off, everyday people are taking to the internet to talk with others. It could be friends and family or people from afar that share similar passions, no matter what we now have the ability to instantly communicate with people from all walks of life in an instant.

This has massively changed the scope of fashion and beauty for consumers. Before we would simply buy a magazine, what a TV show, and simply buy our favorite products – or those that were best available to use. Now we can look to beauty blogs for sources of information. It could be tips and techniques on how to apply makeup, the best and hottest new products, where to find great value for money, or just sharing our passion for beauty and fashion with other like-minded people.

If you have a passion for beauty products and the fashion industry, there is nothing stopping you from getting up and starting you own blog today – it is so easy to do!

But that brings in the golden question – what makes a good beauty blog?


Content is key – without you can’t expect anyone to come back to read your blog! The most important thing about writing any type of content for a beauty blog is that it is original. Make sure it is all coming from you.

It could be your own opinions regarding beauty products, or maybe you want to conduct reviews and post your thoughts about them on your blog for others to read. Tell people exactly what your thoughts and feelings are – it’s your blog after all!

Try to find your own writing style too. Many struggle with this, but it is enough to naturally find – you just need to keep writing! Make it interesting and unique from your perspective, and try to hone in on a particular niche of the beauty industry to cover.


The design of your beauty blog can have as much as an effect as your written content. Before readers get a chance to look at any of the content, they will see the visual design and outline of the blog, and it can directly affect how many will remain to read the content!

Whether photos and other images are used is entirely up to the blogger and somewhat dependent on the content. But most beauty blogs will need some sort of visual imagery to help impact the overall design – it might just be headers for the pages or it could be photos of the blogger showcasing their makeup skills!

Sara has a striking range of images that showcase the very core theme of her blog – makeup artistry.

Connecting with Readers

Anyone reading a beauty blog is there because they enjoy the content created by the blogger. That means something connected with them from that content, so its best to make sure these people are embraced and made to feel welcome.

This might be a handful of individuals or a several hundred, regardless of which, always look to connect with these people. Make the most out of social media as a way of communicating further with the audience – share it on Facebook and get some conversation going, get chatting with Twitter followers, and make the most out of the comments section of the blog!

Not only is this a great way to build a rapport with the audience of the blog, but it will also help to spread the name of the blog, as more people reading will lead to more shares and further growth for the beauty blog!